Data Collection

Overall we collected…

5484 rows of GME stock price data

Over 1.3 million rows of r/wallstreetbets post data

r/wallstreetbets Posts

Collection Process

Reddit Scraping

Challenges Faced

  1. Reddit API Limitations: The inability to filter posts by date with the Reddit API hampers historical data collection.

  2. Pushshift API Access Restrictions: Changes in the Pushshift API’s terms of use restrict its availability for research, limiting access to historical subreddit data.

  3. Scraping Date-Specific Data: The need to find alternative methods to bypass the Reddit API’s date filtering limitations complicates data collection.

  4. Web Scraping Tool Limitations: Using Selenium for scraping reveals a cap on data volume, with a maximum of 1000 recent posts being retrievable at a time.

  5. API Access Challenges: Failed attempts to use another’s Pushshift API access highlight the difficulties in obtaining necessary permissions for data access.

  6. Data Format Navigation: Requesting a CSV version of Reddit API data points to the challenges of managing and utilising the provided data formats efficiently.

GameStop Stock Prices

Collection Process

GME Scraping

Challenges Faced

  1. API Key Registration: Obtaining an API key requires registration, which may involve sharing personal information and adhering to specific use cases.

  2. Rate Limits and Quotas: Alpha Vantage imposes rate limits that can slow the data collection process, a significant consideration for large datasets.



